Monday, 16 November 2015

OOM LEVEL 12 - Kaleidatron x 100

 Ive made a new website for all my projects: you can access my creative projects there. OOM, Holotronica, Hexstatic and Holo-Gauze.

I decided to go multiple for this level. I have made 100 Kaleidatrons with the £2048 Jason Bradbury paid me. I hit the budget pretty much exactly and now I have to sell each one for £40.96p available Here on Ebay (£45 to cover ebay charge).  A kaleidatron allows you to paint with light and create amazing kaleidoscope tailback psychedelic patterns. You can change the angle of the mirrors to change the amount of reflections in the image. I recomend playing music with the lights off for full effect!

Here is a video I made, I created an electro track and edited crazy patterns to fit the music.

Be careful playing with lasers !

Orders Of Magnitude
Level 12
Kaleidatron x 100

For Sale £45 each  + P&P

Buy it here on Ebay ...